Title of the article The composition ratio of crimes against military service order with other corpus delicti
deputy head of the first division of procedural management, department of procedural management in criminal proceedings by investigators of regional prosecutor’s offices, Kyiv Region Prosecutor’s Office, onuskiv@ukr.net
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4’2016
Pages [72–78]
Abstract The article deals with the relation of war crimes against the order of military service with other crime. The ratio related offenses typical for unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or duty station and desertion; evading military service by self-mutilation or otherwise, and dodging conscription for military service, military service officers persons. The ratio of general and special competition rules typical for unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of service and unauthorized abandonment of the battlefield.
Keywords delimitation; criminal legal qualifications; contiguous corpus delict; restrictive signs; military service.
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